Saturday, September 25, 2010

Shifting attention: POSCO going for Hansua leaving the Mahanadi

Our Mr Secretary, WRD (plz read the following news) is also falling trap to the same 'river water going to sea is a waste' beief, that our Ministers have earlier fallen to. Kudos to their advisors, married to this 'engineering paradigm'! They have been successful in perpetuating and implanting this dangerously wrong beief in the minds of decision makers. This shows the urgent need of carrying out damage control awareness and sensitization campaign among our beuraucrats and politcians on the understanding of our rivers in entirety and the implications of environmental flow.

At the same time, it is also difficult to understand, how a barrage downstream will solve the problems of waterlogging in Hansua, as the Secretary has put it. Civil society must also seek to know the basis of calculation which claims 'excess' water in Hansua.
Mahanadi Banchao Andolan, being a movement to safeguard the interests of communities and river, in stead of welcoming this move, must ask for a detailed assessment of impact of this barrage on lives and livelihoods the communities and farmers in Hansua sub-basin.

Orissa Govt asks Posco to consider alternative water source
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Report by Orissa Diary correspondent; Jagatsinghpur: After the Meena Gupta Committee visit the Proposed Posco site and held discussions with officials on water linkage to the steel mill, the state government is now evaluating alternative source of water for Posco.

The state government which confronted widespread protest from Mahanadi Banchao Andolan committee is now contemplating alternate water source to Posco and has initiated a survey in this regard.

In 2006, the water resources department had granted permission to Posco to draw water from Jobra barrage. With MoEF inquiring the ecological impact on the river and its surroundings, the government is now planning to ask Posco to draw water from Hansua river in Jagatsinghpur which is 7 km away from the proposed site.The government would ask Posco to build a barrage on Hansua river to hold water for its industrial use. The river which flows through four blocks of the district culminates at Jatadhari basin near the captive port site.

The farmers in the area have expressed concerns over drawing of water for the project as they depend on the river water for irrigation purposes.

The Secretary of Water Resources Department Suresh Mohapatra said that the excess water of Hansua river would be properly utilised instead being discharged to the sea, it could also help local farmers by avoiding a regular water logging over 10,000 to 15,000 hectare of agricultural field in Jagatsinghpur district.

The leaders of Mahanadi Banchao Andolan committee has welcomed the decision of state government to provide alternate source of water to Posco rather than providing water from river Mahanadi.

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