Saturday, August 18, 2007

Collaboration Between Local and Central Government ‘Key Factor’ in Meeting Global Goals on Water

On the final day of the World Water Forum in Mexico City, 2006, governments recognised the role played by local authorities in water management in the final declaration and attached the Local Government Declaration on Water as a formal outcome document. Paragraph 9: Governments ‘Recognize the importance role that parliamentarians and local authorities are playing in various countries to increase sustainable access to water and sanitation services as well as to support integrated water resource management. An efficient collaboration with and between these actors is a key factor to meet our water related challenges and goals.’ Paragraph 10: Governments ‘Note with appreciation the work of stakeholders at the regional preparatory process towards the 4th WWF as well as during the Forum itself, and take note of the documental output of the said regional preparatory stakeholder process, included as annex to this declaration. As appropriate, this output can be used as source of information for our tasks. We also thank participating parliamentarians and local authorities for their valuable views and opinions expressed during our joint working session at the Fourth World water Forum, and note of their statements included as annex to this declaration.’

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